Royal Reels: Gambling


A printed to private order (PTPO) cover with the ½d green and 1d red KGV head has the 1½d brown KGV head stamp added, making a total postage of 3d. All three stamps are postmarked KEMPSEY/ =6P 29 SE 19=/N.S.W , postmark Type 2B(T). The cover (front only) is addressed to Mr. M. Trilety, Face Specialist, 1231 Ackerman Bldg., Binghamton, New York, United States. The surname is unusual, but the title of ‘Face Specialist’ is intriguing. (Figure 1)

I was surprised that 2 sites on the internet (one in English and the other in Spanish) explained this unusual combination. Fortunately the Spanish site was (automatically) translated into stilted English and it is quoted in part: “Nowadays it is absolutely necessary that one takes care of its fisionomia if hopes to be something and to follow ahead in this life. One not only must do the possible thing being attractive for own satisfaction, that of by himself is worth the efforts well that we do, but that the world as a rule will judge to a person in great way, but entirely by its fisionomia; therefore, the being is worth the trouble the best possible similarity in all occasions.”

Well the translation is not perfect, and I am leaving out part of the advert, but you may have got the gist of it. It continues: “With my New Apparatus ‘Trados’ (Model 22), the defective noses without conducting operation can be corrected non surgical, soon, surely and permanently…..If it does not give satisfactory results, (contact) M. Trilety, Specialist in defects of the face, 283 Ackerman Bldg, Binghamton, N.Y., E.U.A.” (Figure 2)

The advertisement that appeared in the States was as follows: “A Perfect Looking Nose can easily be yours. Trades Model No. 25 corrects now ill-shaped noses quickly, painlessly, permanently and comfortably at home (excepting cases caused by improper bone structure). It is the only adjustable, safe and guaranteed patent device that will actually give you a perfect looking nose. Over 90,000 satisfied users. For years recommended by physicians. 16 years of experience in manufacturing Nose Shapers is at your service. Model 25 Junior for children. Write for testimonials and free booklet, which tells you how to obtain a perfect looking nose.

M. TRILETY, Pioneer Noseshaping Specialist Dept. 2476 Binghamton, N.Y.” (Figure 3)

Categories: Business, Health Sciences