Royal Reels: Gambling


The cover is addressed to E.E. Grant, Athenae(um Club), (Hobart, Tasmania) with a major portion of the address not seen because of the Tattersall, Hobart label. There are 2 copies of the blue ‘Four Corners Two Pence’ Queensland stamps which are cancelled by a BRISBANE/ SP 23/ 03/ QUEENSLAND postmark. The reverse was not seen (Figure 1).

The second cover is addressed to E.E. Grant Esqre, “Minto”, Hobart, Tasmania and the blue QV stamp of New South Wales is postmarked at Tocumwal, N.S.W. The addressee is shown as John Donkin, Murray Proprietor, Bridge Hotel, Tocumwal, and the reverse was not seen (Figure 2).

David McNamee in his book Catalogue and Handbook of Tattersall’s Covers (2006) states that Elliot E. Grant was a key manager at Tattersall, serving as deputy to Sweeps Manager David H. Harvey. Grant was rewarded for his work by a bequest of shares in the estate of George Adams in 1904. With the wealth that the bequest brought him, he moved from Macquarie Street to an “Estate” in Davey Street in late 1904. The Commonwealth Government proscribed letters to E. Grant, “Tattersall’s” Hobart in 1909.

McNamee gave other variations that Grant used as shown in Figure 3.

The Mercury, Hobart, 8 April, 1913, page 4 published his obituary as follows: Mr. Elliott Grant at one time part manager of Tattersall’s at Hobart died at the Hotel des Anginis, Mentone in the south of France, on Friday. Mr. Grant had been connected with Tattersall’s for about 20 years. He joined the Sydney branch, after which he was part manager of the Hobart office. He resigned about 4 years ago and with his wife and 3 children he went abroad. He was in ill health and it is understood that he placed himself under the treatment of a number of doctors in various parts of the world. He paid a visit to Hobart 18 months ago, and after returning to England journeyed to the south of France for the winter. The name of his death has been received with regret by his large circle of friends in Tasmania. Mr. Grant took a deep interest in all manly sports, and even after he had left the State he showed this in a practical manner. He was in Brisbane when the Tasmanian crew was training, and very generously he volunteered to pay the cost of the motor boat for training them. This was much appreciated, and later he supported the Tasmanian Rowing Association, the only condition being that his donation was to be divided equally between North and South. Mr. Grant was very fond of cricket and horse-racing, and for a time held a seat on the Commitee of management of the Tasmanian Cricket Association.

Categories: Tattersall’s